Remote Service
A remote service is an API for enabling remote communication of nodes and services.
Create a remote service
When creating a new remote service, you have to implement all remote method calls:
: Called when a data frame should be pushed to a remote node.remotePull(...)
: Called when a pull is made to a remote node.remoteEvent(...)
: Called when an event should be forwarded to a remote node.remoteServiceCall(...)
: Called when a method call is made to a remote service proxy. These are the calls to send data to a remote server.
Receiving data should be done manually by calling the following functions:
: Push data to a local node.localPull(...)
: Pull data from a local node.localEvent(...)
: Send an event to a local node.localServiceCall(...)
: Send a method call to a local service. These are the calls to our own OpenHPS model and services.
import {RemoteService ,DataFrame ,PushOptions ,PullOptions } from '@openhps/core';export classMyRemoteClient extendsRemoteService {constructor() {super();this.once ('build', this.initialize .bind (this));}protectedinitialize ():Promise <void> {return newPromise ((resolve ) => {// Do local calls});}/*** Send a push to a specific remote node** @param {string} uid Remote Node UID* @param {DataFrame} frame Data frame to push* @param {PushOptions} [options] Push options*/publicremotePush <T extendsDataFrame |DataFrame []>(uid : string,frame :T ,options ?:PushOptions ,):Promise <void> {return newPromise ((resolve ,reject ) => {});}/*** Send a pull request to a specific remote node** @param {string} uid Remote Node UID* @param {PullOptions} [options] Pull options*/publicremotePull (uid : string,options ?:PullOptions ):Promise <void> {return newPromise ((resolve ,reject ) => {});}/*** Send an error to a remote node** @param {string} uid Remote Node UID* @param {string} event Event to send* @param {any} arg Event argument*/publicremoteEvent (uid : string,event : string, ...args : any[]):Promise <void> {return newPromise ((resolve ) => {});}/*** Send a remote service call** @param {string} uid Service uid* @param {string} method Method to call* @param {any[]} args Optional set of arguments*/publicremoteServiceCall (uid : string,method : string, ...args : any[]):Promise <any> {return newPromise ((resolve ,reject ) => {});}}
Example Broker
We create a dummy broker that is just an event emitter that can be listened to. This dummy broker represents a server.
export classDummyBroker extendsEventEmitter {staticinstance :DummyBroker ;constructor() {super();DummyBroker .instance = this;}}
Next we create a client that listens for events on this broker. Whenever a push, pull, event or service is received - we will perform a local action.
import { DataFrame, DataSerializer, Node, PullOptions, PushOptions, RemoteService } from "@openhps/core";export class DummyClient extends RemoteService {constructor() {super();this.once('build', this.initialize.bind(this));}protected initialize(): Promise<void> {return new Promise((resolve) => {DummyBroker.instance.on("push", (sender, uid, data) => { if (sender ===;this.localPush(uid, DataSerializer.deserialize(data.frame), data.options);});DummyBroker.instance.on('pull', (sender, uid, options) => { if (sender ===;this.localPull(uid, options);});DummyBroker. instance. on('event', (sender, uid, event, ...args) => { if (sender === this. constructor. name) return;this.localEvent(uid, event, ...args); });DummyBroker. instance. on('service', (sender, uuid, uid, method, ...args) => { if (sender === this. constructor. name) return;Promise.resolve(this.localServiceCall(uid, method, ...args)).then(data => {DummyBroker.instance.emit('service-response',, uuid, data);});});DummyBroker.instance.on('service-response', (sender, uuid, data) => {if (sender ===this. return;this.getPromise(uuid).resolve(data); });resolve();});}remotePush<T extends DataFrame | DataFrame[]>(uid: string,frame: T,options?: PushOptions,): Promise<void> {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {try {DummyBroker.instance.emit("push",, uid, {frame: DataSerializer.serialize(frame),options}); resolve(); } catch (ex) { reject(ex); }});}remotePull(uid:string, options?: PullOptions): Promise<void> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {try {DummyBroker.instance.emit("pull",, uid, { options });resolve();} catch (ex) {reject(ex);}});}remoteEvent(uid: string, event:string, ...args: any[]): Promise<void > { return new Promise((resolve) => {DummyBroker.instance.emit("event",, uid, event, ...args);resolve();});}remoteServiceCall(uid: string, method: string, ...args: any[]): Promise<any> {return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {const uuid = this.registerPromise(resolve, reject);DummyBroker.instance.emit("service",, uuid, uid, method, ...args); });}}