Interface SPARQLDriverOptions

Query context when a string-based query was passed.

interface SPARQLDriverOptions {
    baseIRI?: string;
    baseUri?: `http://${string}` | `https://${string}`;
    datetime?: Date;
    deserialize?: ((obj: any) => any);
    destination?: IDataDestination;
    engine?: ActorInitQueryBase;
    explain?: QueryExplainMode;
    extensionFunctionCreator?: ((functionNamedNode: NamedNode<string>) => ((args: Term[]) => Promise<Term>));
    extensionFunctions?: Record<string, ((args: Term[]) => Promise<Term>)>;
    fetch?: {
        (input: URL | RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;
        (input: string | URL | Request, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;
    functionArgumentsCache?: FunctionArgumentsCache;
    httpAuth?: `${string}:${string}`;
    httpBodyTimeout?: boolean;
    httpIncludeCredentials?: boolean;
    httpProxyHandler?: IProxyHandler;
    httpRetryCount?: number;
    httpRetryDelayFallback?: number;
    httpRetryDelayLimit?: number;
    httpTimeout?: number;
    initialBindings?: Bindings;
    keepChangelog?: boolean;
    lenient?: boolean;
    log?: Logger;
    queryFormat?: QueryFormat;
    queryTimestamp?: Date;
    readOnly?: boolean;
    recoverBrokenLinks?: boolean;
    serialize?: ((obj: any) => any);
    sources: [QuerySourceUnidentified, ...QuerySourceUnidentified[]];
    uid?: string;

Hierarchy (view full)


baseIRI?: string

The baseIRI for parsing the query.

baseUri?: `http://${string}` | `https://${string}`
datetime?: Date
deserialize?: ((obj: any) => any)
destination?: IDataDestination
engine?: ActorInitQueryBase

Comunica query engine

explain?: QueryExplainMode
extensionFunctionCreator?: ((functionNamedNode: NamedNode<string>) => ((args: Term[]) => Promise<Term>))
extensionFunctions?: Record<string, ((args: Term[]) => Promise<Term>)>
fetch?: {
    (input: URL | RequestInfo, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;
    (input: string | URL | Request, init?: RequestInit): Promise<Response>;

Type declaration

    • (input, init?): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: URL | RequestInfo
      • Optionalinit: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

    • (input, init?): Promise<Response>
    • Parameters

      • input: string | URL | Request
      • Optionalinit: RequestInit

      Returns Promise<Response>

functionArgumentsCache?: FunctionArgumentsCache
httpAuth?: `${string}:${string}`
httpBodyTimeout?: boolean
httpIncludeCredentials?: boolean
httpProxyHandler?: IProxyHandler
httpRetryCount?: number
httpRetryDelayFallback?: number
httpRetryDelayLimit?: number
httpTimeout?: number
initialBindings?: Bindings
keepChangelog?: boolean

Keep a changelog of objects returned by the data service

lenient?: boolean
log?: Logger
queryFormat?: QueryFormat

The format in which the query string is defined. Defaults to { language: 'sparql', version: '1.1' }

queryTimestamp?: Date

The date that should be used by SPARQL operations such as NOW().

readOnly?: boolean
recoverBrokenLinks?: boolean
serialize?: ((obj: any) => any)
sources: [QuerySourceUnidentified, ...QuerySourceUnidentified[]]

An array of data sources the query engine must use.

uid?: string