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This OpenHPS module adds RDF data support to the OpenHPS framework. The main vocabulary used for serializing data is the POsitioning System Ontology (POSO) ontology that was presented at ISWC 2022.

If you have npm installed, start using @openhps/rdf with the following command.

npm install @openhps/rdf --save
  • openhps-rdf.js: CJS export of RDF mappings, SPARQL data service
  • openhps-rdf.vocab.js: CJS export of common RDF vocabularies
  • openhps-rdf.serialization.js: CJS export of RDF serialization
  • openhps-rdf.sparql.js: CJS export of SPARQL data service and serialization
  • openhps-rdf.all.js: CJS export of RDF mappings, SPARQL data service and vocabularies
  • openhps-rdf.es.js: ESM export of RDF mappings, SPARQL data service
  • openhps-rdf.vocab.es.js: ESM export of common RDF vocabularies
  • openhps-rdf.serialization.es.js: ESM export of RDF serialization
  • openhps-rdf.sparql.es.js: ESM export of SPARQL data service and serialization
  • openhps-rdf.all.es.js: ESM export of RDF mappings, SPARQL data service and vocabularies

Each export has a *.min.js version that is minified. For production environments it is recommended to use openhps-rdf.minimal in combination with a Comunica engine.

The RDFSerializer is a similar utility as the DataSerializer from @openhps/core. Instead of serializing and deserializing to JSON, it converts to RDF triples.

Serialize a serializable object to an RDF thing.

import { RDFSerializer, Thing } from '@openhps/rdf';

const thing: Thing = RDFSerializer.serialize(new DataObject(/* ... */));

When storing a named object, a base URI should be provided.

Serialize a serializable object to RdfJS Quads.

import { RDFSerializer } from '@openhps/rdf';
import { Quad } from 'rdfjs';

const quads: Quad[] = RDFSerializer.serializeToQuads(new DataObject(/* ... */));

When storing a named object, a base URI should be provided.

Serializing to a string is possible. We use N3 for exporting the serializable objects to turtle, Notation-3 or other supported formats.

import { RDFSerializer } from '@openhps/rdf';

const turtle: string = RDFSerializer.stringify(new DataObject(/* ... */), {
format: 'text/turtle',
prettyPrint: true

Deserialize a serializable object from a thing.

import { RDFSerializer, Thing } from '@openhps/rdf';

const thing: Thing

/* ... */

const object: DataObject = RDFSerializer.deserialize(thing);
import '@openhps/rdf'; // Import to load type declarations
import { SerializableObject, SerializableMember } from '@openhps/core';

rdf: {
type: 'http://myontology.org#SomeObject'
class SomeObject {


API documentation for literal: https://openhps.org/docs/rdf/interfaces/rdfliteraloptions

import { SerializableMember, SerializableObject } from "@openhps/core";
import { foaf } from "@openhps/rdf";

rdf: {
type: foaf.Project
export class Project {
rdf: {
predicate: foaf.name
name: string;

The SPARQL endpoint uses Comunica as its query engine while still using the query syntax from MongoDB.

import { ModelBuilder, DataObject, DataObjectService } from '@openhps/core';
import { SPARQLDataDriver, DefaultEngine } from '@openhps/rdf';

.addService(new DataObjectService(new SPARQLDataDriver(DataObject, {
httpAuth: "admin:test",
baseUri: "http://openhps.org/terms#",
sources: [{ type: 'sparql', value: "http://localhost:3030/openhps-rdf-1" }],
engine: DefaultEngine

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Copyright (C) 2019-2025 Maxim Van de Wynckel & Vrije Universiteit Brussel

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.