Class Literal


  • Literal


  • Parameters

    • id: string

    Returns Literal


datatype: NamedNode<string>

A NamedNode whose IRI represents the datatype of the literal.

datatypeString: string
id: string
language: string

the language as lowercase BCP47 string (examples: en, en-gb) or an empty string if the literal has no language.

termType: "Literal"

Contains the constant "Literal".

value: string

The text value, unescaped, without language or type (example: Brad Pitt).

langStringDatatype: NamedNode<string>


  • Parameters

    • other: Term

      The term to compare with.

    Returns boolean

    True if and only if other has termType "Literal" and the same value, language, and datatype.

  • Returns {}

    • Parameters

      • type: any

      Returns void