Create a new data object
uid: stringOptional unique identifier
displayName: stringOptional display name
Created timestamp
Object display name
rdfObject identifier
Get the current absolute position of the object relative to the global reference space
Absolute position of data object
Set the current absolute position of the object relative to the global reference space
Get relative positions
Array of relative positions
Bind the data object to a service
Service to bind it to
Data object binding with a service
Clone the data object
dataType: Constructor<T>Data type to clone to
Cloned data object
Get relative position of a specified object
Reference object identifier
type: stringConstructor type of the relative position
Relative position to reference object
Set a parent object to the data object
Data object or UID to add as parent
A data object is an instance that can be anything ranging from a person or asset to a more abstract object such as a Wi-Fi access point or ReferenceSpace.
Objects can be created with an optional uid and display name.
Service binding
Data objects can be bounded to a service. Persistence is handled in DataObjectServices that store and load data objects.